To achieve our ambition to become a world-class university hospital, PKUPH established the Office of International AffairsExternal Cooperation, originally named Foreign Affairs Office, in 1992, has broadened its international presence to include relationships with hospitals and other healthcare-related institutions in the world, including partnership programs with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, by conducting academic exchanges and cooperation in various fields with world-renowned institutions in the Americas, Europe and Asia, appointing overseas experts as visiting professors, holding international conferences, coordinating international student and scholar programs.
PKUPH is establishing its international profile rapidly. Since 1992, we have received more than 4,000 visitors from 25 countries and regions, and have sent over 4,000 healthcare professionals of PKUPH abroad for advanced studies, academic visits, and joint training. As of 2021, 65 distinguished overseas experts have been invited as Visiting ProfessorsHonorary Professors. PKUPH has so far attracted approximately 130 international students from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Finland, New Zealand, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, the UK, and the US to join the International Clerkship Program and Internship Program.